In this case study, we'll show you how we would personalize the digital experience on Headspace’s own channels based on paid ads to create a better visitor experience to increase the conversions from free visitors to paid users.
Before diving into how we personalize the website, let's look at what Headspace is doing:
Headspace is a digital health platform that provides guided meditation sessions and mindfulness training. With hundreds of hours of content, it is acknowledged as one of the most comprehensive secular programs for meditation and mindfulness.
Its health application can be downloaded on mobiles and tablets that provide mindfulness and mental training through health videos and chat options, enabling users and companies to access free meditation sessions and mindfulness training.
The Background of the Personalization Journey
If you're a business, you know that attracting leads and retaining customers is essential to your success. Moreover, as a business, you understand the importance of understanding your visitors and what they want.
And if you're looking for ways to improve your conversion rates in a B2C environment, post-click personalization may be the answer.
Adding this layer of customer understanding to your website, you can create a more tailored experience for all of your visitors coming from one of your ads, regardless of who they are, which will improve engagement and conversion.
The Opportunity
Is it really necessary for businesses to personalize their website experiences for their visitors?
The answer is a resounding yes, and here’s why.
Because the purpose of a landing page is to convert visitors into leads by focusing on one offer and ensuring that the user experience is tailored to their wants and needs.
Landing pages are the first impression your customers have about your website, and as such, it needs to be perfect.
Moreover, there is a huge opportunity lying under personalized offers because according to research by Accenture, 91% of consumers say they are more likely to shop with brands that provide offers and recommendations that are relevant to them.
When done correctly, personalization can lead to higher conversion rates, as well as increased customer engagement and loyalty.
Adding Personalized Experiences to Headspace
Step 1: The Tech Stack
To create the best possible personalization experiences for its visitors, Headspace needs to leverage the click events from paid ads.
Moreover, in order to create the best possible personalized experience, Headspace will source all of the data points made by the same visitor under one customer profile - with the help of Ninetailed's unified customer profile feature.
For this personalized experience, Headspace will need the following tech stack:
Gatsby as a frontend delivery
Step 2: Defining Hypothesis and Methodology
Personalization is key to making sure the visitors are shown exactly what they need before making the desired action, which can help increase conversion rates.
Headspace has four focus categories:
And, for each of these categories, they have paid ad campaigns around them:
We hypothesize that by personalizing the landing pages based on Headspace's main categories, Headspace can increase the likelihood of its visitors clicking through the offer and making a conversion.
Step 3: Defining Personalization Signals
To create a seamless digital customer experience with a personalized web page, Headspace will use the following signal:
Campaign Parameters
Step 4: Personalization Journey
To create an example of a personalized experience for Headspace’s visitors, let's define a hypothetical personalization journey:
A potential visitor sees an ad for Headspace on Instagram/Facebook and clicks the ad.
A visitor lands on Headspace’s landing page and sees a personalized landing page based on the campaign.
Read More: Personalization as a Service
The Result: Before vs. After
So far, we have talked about the hypothesis, methodology, signals to use, required technology stack, etc.
Now let's look at the visuals to better understand it.
As we defined earlier, a potential visitor sees an ad for Headspace on Instagram/Facebook and clicks the ad:
After clicking the ad, the visitor sees a personalized variation of the homepage (personalized hero images, headline, and CTA) based on the campaign:
The Bottom Line
Although we showcased one example of personalization with one signal based on campaign data, there are more ways of personalization.
Just remember: Personalization is a continuous journey, which means that once one implementation is completed, companies will return to the beginning of the framework to analyze acquired data, discuss new ideas, hypothesize further improvements, and so on.
Through continuous learning and experimentation, this strategy enables various teams
content marketing,
product management,
to create meaningful personalization experiences.